Entertainment / Game Nights

Wednesday: Green Visor Gang (GVG) POKER
Time: 9:30PM EST Twitter Space / 10:15PM Game
For nearly 1 year, the Golden Baboons have sponsored POKER NIGHT with the Green Visor Gang. Game play happens on the ClubGG app, Room: 515092, the game is FREEROLL and 1st Place is always a Golden Baboon NFT. At 9:30 players meet in a twitter space for updates from the project. Players also need to be in both the GVG and Golden Baboons/Rascals DISCORD. There, the GVG team will give the PASSWORD to be entered to play. Please have your Discord name match your ClubGG registered name. NFT Holders with a GREEN VISOR trait may be eligible for a free re-buy once knocked out. Follow @GoldenBaboons and/or @GreenVisorGang on X (formerly twitter) to find the weekly space link.

Time: 8:00PM EST (Held in a Twitter Space)
Thursday Night BINGO has been a hit with both holders and sponsors. The 5 game schedule features 4 sponsorship opportunities for NFT project collaborations. A sponsor will donate their NFT(s) and will recieve 10 GAME CARDS for their holders (valid every Thursday) and 10 minutes of stage time to talk about their project. The 5th and final game is reserved for the Golden Baboons. Game cards can be purchased on the secondary marketplaces (both ETH and SOL). The night is hosted by PCK and WaliLiberace DJ’ing classic music from the 80’s and 90’s. It’s a vibe and a lot of fun and a great way to hear about some cool projects and potentially win some NFTS! Follow @GoldenBaboons on X (formerly twitter) to find the weekly flyer and space link. (GAME RULES & SPONSORSHIP Info)

Friday: Bad-A-Billiards 8-Ball POOL Night
Friday is 8-Ball POOL Night for the Golden Baboons and Rascals holders. Games are held on the Bad-A-Billiards MOBILE APP (for both iOs and Android) where players will select LIVE HALLS and then GOLDEN BABOONS. Here we have themed pool tables and the ability to play with and earn upgraded pool cue sticks. This is another great opportunity to have fun and potentially win some cool NFTs and prizes. The app is available 24/7 and players can play whenever, but Friday nights are when we have our tournaments. Be sure to look for POOL traits in the new Rascals collection. They may just EARN you a perk when playing!

Time: 1-3PM EST
To add to our already amazing entertainment options for holders throughout the week, the Golden Baboons’ team has teamed up with the Retro Raccoons to go back to the 1980’s for some fun retro trivia! 3 Fun games as contestants stroll down memory lane and try and win fabulous prizes. Great mix of music and trivia and times may vary.

TBD: Chess Club
Keeping the social activities and fun alive, lets challenge our brains and compete head to head in one of the oldest games on earth…CHESS! We have even added a few “chess traits” in the rascal mint including a hand trait holding a King and Knight chess pieces called “checkmate” , a background called “chessmaster” and a crown on the head called “king rookie”. Look for more details in the coming weeks both here on the website and in the discord.

Murder Mystery Mondays
Time: Monday Mornings
Keep that brain in shape by helping Detective Ahbibi solve Murder Mysteries in Tequilla Falls. Game clues will be released Monday morning in the DISCORD. Holders will need to be 1 of the first 10 to solve WHO did it, WHERE it happened and with WHAT weapon. Like Treasure Hunt, the correct entrants will be apart of the GAME OF THE WEEK to see who wins cool prizes!

Treasure Hunt
Time: Mornings Monday ~ Friday
Keep that brain in shape by helping Ahbibi solve daily puzzles Monday through Friday. Each day you will reveal a bonus clue needed to be combined with each day’s bonus clues to ultimately solve the Friday BONUS puzzle. Holders will need to be 1 of the first 10 to solve the puzzle as correct entrants will be apart of the GAME OF THE WEEK to see who wins cool prizes! Daily CLUES are found in the DISCORD under TREASURE HUNT > WEEKLY CLUES

TBD: Karaoke Night/X GOT TALENT
Baboons and Rascals HAVE TALENT! With GBMC team DL WaliLi’berace and ALiDare, plans for a monthly night of Karaoke is on the menu! As scary as it sounds, its a ton of fun and a great bonding experience. So hit up the mini bar (just kidding) dust off the wind pipes, find that classic tune you belt out in the shower and get ready for a night of talent, prizes and fun! More details to come both here on the website and in the discord.