Retro-Trivia Tuesday

Every Tuesday from 1-3PM EST
The Golden Baboon and Rascals have partnered up with the Retro Raccoons collection (same project artist and team members) to bring Retro Trivia Tuesdays.
Hosted by PCK and WaliLiberace, the trivia games compliment the already fun-filled line-up of entertainment options the project offers to its community members and participating collaboration partners. Along with Murder Mystery Monday’s and Treasure Hunt that start on Mondays in the DISCORD, the project fills out the rest of the week with the newly launched Trivia as mentioned, POKER with the Green Visor Gang on Wednesday, BINGO on Thursday and our community spaces and 8-BALL Pool with Bad-A-Billiards on Friday night. The team is happy to have established a robust entertainment ecosystem and social club utility with fun interactive ways to earn prizes and network with other projects and holders.
The first half hour of game day space we will play 80s music, attempt to fill the space with holders/players, go over the rules and acknowledge our collab sponsors.
Sponsors will have 10 minutes to discuss the latest catalysts and events with their coin or nft project.
We play (3) Games where we have 3 contestants each game.
- Game 1: Peek-A-Boo Puzzle Game – The game board is a puzzle with 48 pieces. The pieces hide an image that contestants will be given a category HINT. As each question is answered correctly, the contestant will have the opportunity to solve the puzzle by naming the image. Game host will pick a color and contestant will chose a numbered puzzle piece from that color and continue until we solve the puzzle.
- Game 2: HIGHER LOWER Card Game – There will be 3 rows of 8 playing cards (a row for each contestant). As each contestant correctly answer their 1st quest question, a card will be revealed. Contestants will then need to guess whether the next card is HIGHER or LOWER than the last revealed card. There will be frequent BONUS questions pertaining to the last trivia answer. If the contestant answers correctly, they will gain the ability to change the last revealed card for a new one. Once a contestant goes through all 8 cards, they win!
- Game 3: NAME THAT 80’s JAM – Game is played to 8 points and involves sequential turn bidding to see who can name that jam in the least amount of “bars” (equal to a second or 2 of music). Each round, 2 contestants will PASS and 1 will be on the line to name that jam in a certain amount of bars. Bidding always starts at 8 bars. A correct answer of the jam will earn the player 2 points or 0 if answered incorrectly while the 2 players that passed would earn 0 points if player answered correctly or 1 point each if the player answered incorrectly. First to 8 wins!